Invest in Your Future
No matter where life’s journey takes you, Lucy Corr is here to help — every step of the way. We’re happy to offer a simple, one-time solution that guarantees you top-notch care for life. With Life Care, you set your budget once and never worry about it again, regardless if you require a higher level of care. Our experienced staff and skilled nurses provide 24/7 assistance, making it easy to transition from one lifestyle to the next without missing a beat. Rest assured knowing that your future is secure.
Discover the Life Care Difference.
When your experience at Lucy Corr begins, Life Care ensures that you will always receive the best, most compassionate care no matter where your life’s journey takes you.
Take Charge and Cover it all with Life Care.
If you’d like to plan ahead for all your future needs, a Lucy Corr Life Care contract will guarantee that you get the care you need, the dignity you deserve, and the peace of mind you’ve been looking for. Just imagine the feeling you’ll have every day knowing that if you need it, it’s yours — and it’s guaranteed.